Asahi Super Dry is a Japanese Rice Lager style beer that is crisp and clean and refreshing.
An easy drinking beer that is suitable for all occasions.
This is the real Japanese import - much tastier!
A super dry beer that has always been associated with crisp Asian quality.
And in an awesome 500mL can size - perfect!
Beautiful harmony of cereals and citrus fruits, which mix and blend creating a delicate flowery and spicy balance.
Notes of chamomile and citrus fruits, balanced out by the gentle bitterness of Italian hops.
Delicate herbaceous and citrusy notes of the hops along with the hints of cereals that are perceived with the very first sip
Cereals sing their sweet notes while the ensemble of pepper, spices and hops supports them with a powerful counterpoint.
James Boag's Premium is a smooth, subtle lager, a perfect balance between hop and malt.
Bright pale straw in colour with finely beaded bubbles, the lager has a fruity front palate, followed by its distinctly crisp, dry finish/
Coopers (Green) Pale Ale is naturally conditioned in the bottle or keg.
This is a classic and has always maintained quality.
No additives. No preservatives.
Coopers say..."A bold and generously flavoured Ale that is the pinnacle for the discerning beer drinker, the Ale by which all others should be measured."
We say..."Cold, tasty and refreshing" - does more need to be said?
A moderately light lager with citrus notes and a tinge of sweetness and hints of corn.
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